K. Male'
15 Mar 2017 | Wed 16:13
Forecast issued by Met
Forecast issued by Met
Weather alert
Met Office issues yellow alert
Met issues yellow alert for Wednesday 9am to noon
White alert issued as well

Maldives Meteorological Service has issued a yellow alert for Laamu and Gaaf Dhaal Atolls. The alert was issued for Wednesday from 9am to noon.

The Service says that torrential rain with heavy thunderstorms were expected in those atolls.

A white alert had also been issued for the northern, central and southern atolls from 8am to 2pm. Heavy rain and thunderstorms expected in the areas.

The Service also said that surface winds will vary between north east and easterly at 10 –18 miles per hour in central and northern atolls and south and southwesterly at 5 – 15 miles per hour in southern atolls.  Winds may gust 40 miles per hour during showers.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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