K. Male'
14 Mar 2017 | Tue 19:21
IGMH: the Hospital has opened a flu clinic to serve flu patients
IGMH: the Hospital has opened a flu clinic to serve flu patients
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 outbreak
H1N1 cases most prevalent in Malé area: HPA
One death recorded from the outbreak

Health Protection Agency (HPA) says the influenza outbreak was most prevalent in the Male’ region.

HPA says the Agency was investigating the outbreak in the Atolls, adding that they will release information to media once the investigation was complete.

HPA says the H1N1 influenza was a fast spreading infection, adding that the information was likely to change.

The statement released Monday night by HPA said that 51 had tested positive for the virus. All schools have been closed and a level three alert had been issued for Male’.

Task force head, Dr. Abdullah Niyaf, said that influenza vaccination stocks were limited. He said the task force had deliberated on the issue, adding that the existing stocks will be used on critical age groups.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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