K. Male'
14 Mar 2017 | Tue 14:31
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Maldives exit from Commonwealt
Maldives must meet human rights standards, rejoin Commonwealth: Nasheed
Have to ensure implementation of Human Rights
Commonwealth says it hopes that Maldives will rejoin

Former President Mohamed Nasheed says that Maldives must meet human rights standards and rejoin the Commonwealth.

In a tweet posted on the occasion of Commonwealth Day, Nasheed said that Maldives must meet and implement the human rights standards set by Commonwealth. Nasheed had also called on Maldives to rejoin Commonwealth.



Commonwealth had recently stated that it hoped that Maldives will reverse the decision taken by the Government of the Maldives to exit the Commonwealth last year.

Government of Maldives on October 13th had announced the decision to leave the Commonwealth, stating that it was a difficult decision for the Government to undertake. However, the Government said that it was a necessary one, adding that the decision was undertaken as the body had failed to treat Maldives equally and failed to recognize the beneficial work carried out by the Government.

Maldives in the only nation in the Asian region to exit the Commonwealth.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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