K. Male'
08 Oct 2019 | Tue 13:16
Students on a field trip accompanied by teacher
Students on a field trip accompanied by teacher
Teachers' Salary
Revised teachers' salary structure sent to Pay Commission
Improving teachers salary one of Pres. Solih's campaign promises
Ministry of Education has not released details of new regulations yet

Revised regulations for teachers' salaries have been presented to the Pay Commission, says Education Minister Dr. Aishath Ali.

She said this after being presented to the parliament's committee on national development and heritage committee on Monday.

Increasing the pay for teachers is one of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s key pledges, who during the campaign trail expressed concern over teachers being underpaid and vowed that his administration will bring a solution to the matter.

Speaking at Monday's committee meeting, Minister Aishath stated that the president is working towards providing an appropriate salary for teachers, adding that the revised regulations would also positively impact the salaries for all civil service employees in the sector.

Education Minister Dr. Aishath Ali speaking at the National Development & Heritage Committee meeting

While the minister revealed that a revised regulation of teachers' pay has been sent to the Pay Commission, she did not disclose when it will come into effect. Instead, the ministry said that the new regulations will have significant improvements compared to the one in 2015.

The education minister, in August, announced teachers’ salary structure had been redrafted as well as to improve pay for overtime and provide additional incentives.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany