K. Male'
05 Oct 2019 | Sat 04:45
Sinamalé Bridge
Sinamalé Bridge
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Sinamalé Bridge
Speed breakers on bridge removed temporarily, to reduce accidents: MPS
Authorities are also working to replace the plastic dividers on the bridge with cement ones
This was done after discussions were carried out with the Transport Ministry and Housing Ministry

Several speed breakers on Sinamalé Bridge were removed temporarily in an effort to reduce the number of road accidents and vehicle collisions, revealed Maldives Police Service (MPS).

Speaking to RaajjeMV, police revealed that speed breakers were removed, temporarily, to remedy the minor accidents caused by how they were planted on the bridge and that this change is expected to reduce road accidents.

This was done after discussions were carried out with the Ministries of Housing and Urban Development, and Transport and Civil Aviation.

Since it’s inauguration in August 2018, several accidents, sometimes fatal, have churned an increase in measures to prevent fatalities and injuries caused by reckless riding and driving. As such, the government had in 2019 made it mandatory to wear helmets on the bridge in an effort to reduce road accidents.

Further, authorities are working to replace the plastic dividers on the bridge with sturdier, cement ones.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim