K. Male'
12 Mar 2017 | Sun 16:09
Maafushi jail
Maafushi jail
Strike in Maafushi jail
Inmates hold strike in Maafushi jail over conditions
No official statement from MCS

Raajje.mv understands that inmates at Maafushi jail have started a hunger strike and protests.

Media official for Maldives Correctional Services was unable to reach for comment at the time of publication. A senior official of the service refuted the rumors, stating that nothing of the nature had occurred and that the jail was running on normal conditions.

It was reported to Raajje.mv that hunger strikers have been striking for two days, while some inmates have been injured in scuffles.

The rumors came after former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb was transferred to Dhoonidhoo jail from Maafushi jail last week.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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