K. Male'
10 Mar 2017 | Fri 14:56
MP Hussain Areef
MP Hussain Areef
MP Areef’s Dismissal
MP Areef dismissed from MDA
Areef dismissed after co-signing the no confidence motion on Speaker

Nolhivaram Constituency MP and MDA member Hussain Areef has been dismissed from the Party.

The decision was arrived at a meeting of the Party’s action committee. Areef’s dismissal came after the MP co-signed the no confidence motion on the Speaker of the Parliament, his unwavering support of former President Maumoon and strong criticism of President Yameen.

Areef was elected to the Parliament as a member of Jumhooree Party. He then shifted to ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives, moving to MDA later on.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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