K. Male'
09 Mar 2017 | Thu 22:33
Malsa Mohamed was informed of her dismissal on Thursday
Malsa Mohamed was informed of her dismissal on Thursday
Abrupt dismissals
MP Waheed's daughter fired from PO
Malsa Mohamed was informed of her dismissal on Thursday
Her dismissal comes less than 24 hours after opposition lawmakers, including Waheed, submitted a no-confidence motion against the parliament speaker

Daughter of MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim has been dismissed from her post at the President’s Office.

Malsa Mohamed worked as an Executive Assistant prior to her dismissal on Thursday.

The MP for Thulusdhoo constituency announced the dismissal via twitter.

Following the submission of the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker, my daughter was just informed of her dismissal from her post in government,” tweeted Waheed on Thursday morning.

RaajjeMV has learnt that Malsa was dismissed under the powers and responsibilities granted to the President, under Article 115 (f) of the Constitution.

  • Article 115 (f) states that the President is entrusted “to appoint, dismiss and accept the resignation of members of the Cabinet, and such officials necessary for the proper functioning of the duties of his office.

Malsa’s dismissal comes less than 24 hours after opposition lawmakers, including Waheed, submitted a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

Waheed had said that passing to impeach the current speaker “is a national responsibility.”

Waheed has been a strong critic of President Abdulla Yameen’s administration. When the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) split in 2016, Waheed chose to take party leader, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s side.

Gayoom and President Yameen, his half-brother, have been involved in a public dispute over party leadership since June 2016.

In October 2016, Gayoom withdrew his support for President Yameen and his government. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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