K. Male'
09 Mar 2017 | Thu 14:48
Nolhivaram MP Hussein Areef
Nolhivaram MP Hussein Areef
Parliament Watch
Will remove Nolhivaram Constituency MP Hussain Areef: MDA
MDA had carried out action on Areef previously

Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) has warned that they will remove Nolhivaram Constituency MP Hussain Areef from the Party. MDA had labelled his actions under the reform agenda as unpatriotic.

MP Areef joined the Government coalition partner MDA from JP and currently is a strong critic of the Government. He was one of the MPs behind the no confidence motion on the Speaker of the Parliament.

Speaking to press, MDA Deputy Leader and Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency MP Ali Mauroof said that 'Afreef was a traitor to the nation' and that traitors will be expelled from the Party. He said that Areef will be removed from the Party.

However, MDA had not confirmed that Areef had been removed from the Party.

Areef had defined President Yameen as ruthless and dictatorial. While a member of MDA, Areef had chosen to ally with PPM’s Maumoon faction at the time of split.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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