K. Male'
09 Mar 2017 | Thu 14:18
Kulhudhuffushi North Constituency MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa
Kulhudhuffushi North Constituency MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa
No confidence motion on Speake
Maseeh paralyzed the Parliament, will remove him: Ghafoor
Maseeh is a threat to democracy, have to remove him
Govt. will seek to keep him at all cost

Kulhudhuffushi North Constituency MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa says that the 'Parliament was paralyzed by the Speaker Abdullah Maseeh', adding that if the Government exerted any additional influence, then the 'opposition will oust him with a resounding majority'.

Speaking in RTV’s “Fala Suruhee”program Wednesday night, Ghafoor said that removing Maseeh from his position as Speaker was a must. The no confidence motion on the Speaker was submitted by MPs from MDP, PPM, Adhaalath Party, MDA, JP and independent MPs.

Ghafoor described Maseeh as a 'threat to the democratic system'. Therefore, he said Maseeh should be 'removed to reinstate democracy and to empower the public'. He remarked that Maseeh had turned the Parliament to an 'entity that merely rubber stamps the decisions of the Government', effectively paralyzing it.

“We do not feel that Maseeh should be allowed to occupy that seat. Citizens do not want to see a Parliament completely paralyzed, a mere rubber stamp for the Government agenda. So we do not believe that the public can gain any benefit by keeping Maseeh there,” Ghafoor said.

Ghafoor warned that the opposition will remove Maseeh, if the Government added any undue influence. He said 'the impeachment process will be carried out legally and will win it by an overwhelming majority'. Ghafoor added that the Government will seek to intimidate MPs with the introduction of the motion. However, Ghafoor said that they will continue to fight for the rights of the public, in spite of the many challenges.

Ghafoor further challenged the Government, stating that the opposition will defeat the Government backed candidates in the Local Council Elections.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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