K. Male'
08 Mar 2017 | Wed 21:44
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom speaking at a conference at the Progressive Party of Maldives' main offices.
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom speaking at a conference at the Progressive Party of Maldives' main offices.
No-Confidence Against Maseeh
Ex-Pres. Gayoom backs motion against Speaker Maseeh
Gayoom's PPM faction released a statement saying that Maseeh had displayed ‘extreme bias’ in his decision-making.
The party further condemned Maseeh for his role in allowing laws that ‘diminish’ the rights of citizens to be passed.
Gayoom had also sent out a tweet that ‘fully supported’ the motion, adding that it was an important step towards ‘reform’.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has expressed support for the no-confidence motion against parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

The motion was filed with 26 signatures from lawmakers aligned with every party and an independent member.

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) faction led by Gayoom released a statement saying that Maseeh had displayed ‘extreme bias’ in his decision-making.

It adds that Maseeh has continuously relied on his political alliance when appointing members to parliament committees and ‘blatantly discriminated’ against MPs.

PPM noted how Maseeh had repeatedly barred motions to summon government officials and cabinet ministers for questioning, which the parliament is obliged to do, therefore eroding the system of checks and balances.

“While there are many laws that need to be put into place to instill democratic values, further help develop institutions, and slash expenses, Maseeh had repeatedly cancelled parliament sessions on the grounds that there was ‘no work’ to do” the statement read.

The party further condemned Maseeh for his role in allowing laws that ‘diminish’ the rights of citizens to be passed, citing the bills on freedom of assembly and defamation.

“He used his position to expedite and pass laws that are detrimental to the very foundations of democracy” the statement added.

Gayoom had also sent out a tweet that ‘fully supported’ the motion, adding that it was an important step towards ‘reform’.

The six-point motion accuses Maseeh of ‘refusing to ensure’ equality in parliament, disregarding the rule of law, disrespecting the system of checks and balances, disregard for procedure, and ‘subverting’ democracy.

The opposition Maldivian Demcoratic Party (MDP) said in a statement that Maseeh had deliberately blocked legislation from MPs aligned with party, and instead chose to preside over ‘unconstitutional’ ones.

“The Speaker has played a critical role enabling President Yameen’s attempts to turn the Maldives into a dictatorship. He has repeatedly acted outside of the law, trampled over parliamentary proceedings, and treated MPs and the public with contempt” the statement said, expressing confidence that the motion will pass.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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