K. Male'
23 Jul 2019 | Tue 17:23
A screenshot of the video circulating on social media
A screenshot of the video circulating on social media
Vegetable Vendor
Video showing vendor washing vegetables with dirty water sparks outrage
The video was uploaded on social media last week, and has sparked public outrage

A video showing a vendor washing vegetables using dirty water from the streets has surfaced online.

The video, shared via Twitter, shows what seems like an expatriate worker -from a shop in Hulhumalé- using puddle water to wash vegetables and placing them on the stand for sale.

The video was uploaded on social media last Wednesday.

This has sparked public outrage on social media, with some blaming the use of expatriate workers.

Maldives Immigration has said that there is a total of 144,607 expatriate workers in the Maldives, out of which 63,000 are undocumented.

Some users have also called on the Maldives Police Service (MPS) and Health Protection Agency (HPA) to take necessary action against the unhygienic food seller.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Aman Haleem