K. Male'
05 Mar 2017 | Sun 23:09
President Nasheed joins Michigan University Panel
President Nasheed joins Michigan University Panel
Former President Nasheed in US
Ex Pres Nasheed to deliver lecture in University of Michigan
Special panel on the President
Jared Genser, Rebecca Hardin to participate

Former President Mohamed Nasheed is to deliver a lecture in University of Michigan, USA.

He will participate in a panel discussion on Monday organized by Donia Human Rights Center in University of Michigan.

The Island President's Struggle for Democracy and Environmental Justice in the Maldives panel discussion will feature noted human rights lawyer Jared Genser and Rebecca Hardin. Rebecca currently coordinates the Environmental Justice field of study and coordinates the Michigan Sustainability Cases initiative.

The panel will be moderated by DHRC Director Kiyoteru Tsutsui.

Donia Human Rights Center Panel will examine how global challenges of climate change, environmental justice, human rights, and democracy converged in the Maldives and President Nasheed, and explore possible ways forward as the next presidential election in the Maldives looms in 2018.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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