K. Male'
05 Jul 2019 | Fri 18:11
MACL acting MD Moosa Solih with President Solih
MACL acting MD Moosa Solih with President Solih
Presidents Office
Maldives Airports Company
MACL MD appointment delayed due to restructuring: President
He also said MACL is too large for one person to lead
The President said that major changes need to be made to MACL, which brings in most of the state’s income

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said that the appointment of a managing director at Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has been delayed due to restructuring.

While it has been six months since the new government came to power, President Solih told journalists that major changes need to be made to MACL, which brings in most of the state’s income.

President Solih said that the necessary changes will be made after assessments and that MACL is too large for one person to lead, since the company is tasked with the airport’s technical work as well as being involved in commerce.

Moosa Solih, President Solih’s brother, was appointed acting MACL MD after the resignation of Adil Moosa last November 14.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany