K. Male'
01 Mar 2017 | Wed 19:11
Nimal (L) and Haleem (R)
Nimal (L) and Haleem (R)
Maldives Ports Limited
MRDC Managing Director made new MPL CEO
Abdul Razzaq Haleem was reappointed as MPL's CEO
Mohamed Nimal, who is currently under investigation for embezzlement, was appointed to MRDC in his stead.

Abdul Razzaq Haleem, who has been serving as the Maldives Road Development Corporation’s (MRDC) Managing Director, has been reappointed as the Maldives Ports Limited’s (MPL) CEO.

Haleem was made CEO on Wednesday after Mohamed Junaid, who held the position until Tuesday, resigned citing that he wanted to make more time for personal affairs.

Source say that Deputy Tourism Minister Mohamed Nimal has been named MRDC’s Managing Director to fill in for vacancy Haleem’s appointment created.

Nimal had been MD at the state utilities company, the Fenaka Corporation, before his dismissal over a case of embezzlement, currently under investigation. Nimal had reportedly issued MVR 17 million, in US dollars, to a company he had stakes in.

The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) had also said that the company is not authorized to conduct large dollar transactions.

READ MORE: MPL CEO Junaid resigns to "give more time" to his own businesses

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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