K. Male'
28 Feb 2017 | Tue 15:15
Former Prosecutor General Muhuthaz Muhusin
Former Prosecutor General Muhuthaz Muhusin
Presidents Office
Former PG Muhuthaaz Muhusin
Jailed Ex-PG Muhusin admitted to hospital
Muhusin was admitted to ADK Hospital on Monday.
Correctional Services has yet to comment on the issue.

Former Prosecutor General Muhuthaz Muhusin has been admitted to hospital for spinal treatment.

RaajjeMV understands that Muhusin was admitted to ADK Hospital on Monday. However, whether he is being treated for an ailment, condition, or injury is unclear and the Correctional Service has yet to comment on the matter.

Muhusin was sentenced to 17 years in prison on terror charges in June 2016, along with Magistrate Ahmed Nihan of Maamigili in Alif Dhaal Atoll. They were found guilty of forging an arrest warrant and conspiring to arrest President Abdulla Yameen.

It has further come to surface that these charges were pursued after President Yameen met with heads of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

READ MORE: President held meeting to influence terror charges against Ex-PG

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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