K. Male'
28 Feb 2017 | Tue 10:31
Members of MUO: the group had announced that they will seek to halt the sale of Faafu Atoll
Members of MUO: the group had announced that they will seek to halt the sale of Faafu Atoll
Faafu Atoll sale
Will recover Faafu Atoll, even if it’s sold: MUO
Will halt the sale of Faafu Atoll
Change to Constitution illegal from start
Agreement signing in March

Maldives United Opposition (MUO) says they will halt the sale of Faafu Atoll and if sold, they will recover the Atoll.

The group made the statement in a press conference held Monday evening in the offices of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). Addressing the rumors of the proposed sale of the Atoll, MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef said they will work to halt the sale of the Atoll to Saudi royal family. Hassan said MDP was currently working to nullify the amendment that allowed the sale and ownership of sovereign land of the Maldives by foreign parties.

Hassan Latheef, a member of former President Mohamed Nasheed’s legal team and member of the Committee that had drafted the new Constitution, warned that pro Government Members of Parliament will fight against such a motion.

Former Youth Minister and MUO’s Shadow Cabinet Minister for Tourism and Guesthouses Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal said the amendment was in violation of the Constitution. He said the amendment was illegal from the start. Maleeh further said the 58 MPs from the ruling PPM had been threatened one hour before the vote on the amendment.

Maleeh added that some of the MPs who had voted for the amendment now feel regret for their decision. He announced that the Atoll will be recovered within 24 hours after MUO was ushered into power, if sold to any buyer.

Maleeh stressed that the citizens of that Atoll were in the dark over the proposed developments and that the Government was extremely secretive over the matter. He announced that MUO will begin various activities to halt the sale of the Atoll.

Only four islands in Faafu Atoll are inhabited, with 4,100 people scattered over the islands. Raajje.mv understands that Saudi monarch is interested in creating a luxury city in the uninhabited island of Himithi and surrounding lagoons, which will become home to one million individuals. Raajje.mv also understands that the Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud will sign the agreement for the sale during his March trip to the Maldives.

The Government is yet to deny or confirm the sale and the President’s Office had not denied the rumors to that effect. However, President Yameen, his Cabinet Ministers and senior Government officials have all talked in a manner that supported these rumors.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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