K. Male'
27 Feb 2017 | Mon 14:53
 The local council elections are now scheduled for April 15th.
The local council elections are now scheduled for April 15th.
Local Council Elections
Constitutional terms of all local government councils expire today
The last day of February is the constitutionally mandated deadline for the next elects to take oath of office, according to the Local Council Elections Act.
Civil Court ruled to delay the elections scheduled for January, over a case from the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives.
The elections are now scheduled for April 15th.

The terms of local government officials, elected in February 2014 has expired on Monday, with the local council elections still over a month away.

The last day of February is also the constitutionally mandated deadline for the next elects to take oath of office, according to the Local Council Elections Act.

The elections, initially scheduled for January 14th, was delayed after the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’s (PPM) faction led by President Abdulla Yameen pursued a case at the civil court on the grounds that they had lost their membership database, though the deadline to submit candidates was December 1st.  

The court had ruled in favour of the party and ordered that the elections be held on a date that allows PPM’s candidates adequate time to campaign and prepare for the ballots.  This verdict is in line with another clause in the Local Council Elections Act which states that candidates must have a period of at least 28 days to contest the elections.

The verdict resulted in the election’s postponement to April 8th, however the Elections Commission delayed it further over the availability of schools to place ballot boxes in. The elections are now scheduled for April 15th.

The Elections Commission had nullified previous candidacy lists, to the dismay of the entire opposition sparking concerns over the potential lack of free elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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