K. Male'
06 May 2019 | Mon 21:46
Watermelon at the local market
Watermelon at the local market
Local Market Prices
Price of watermelon, chili hike at start of Ramadan
Vendors have said that the lack of supply and increase in demand during Ramadan is affecting the prices

The price of watermelon and chili have drastically increased at the start of the month due to the lack of availability.

A kilogram of chili from Kandoodhoo is selling for MVR 1,000 and a kilogram of watermelon is priced at MVR 45.

At the local market, a kilogram of lemon is priced at MVR 40, cucumber at MVR 45, with a kilo of mangoes and beans priced at MVR 75.

The market has become congested with the beginning of Ramadan, and the prices are higher compared to last year’s fasting month.

Vendors have said that the lack of supply and increase in demand during Ramadan is affecting the prices but that they expect the price of watermelon to decrease within a week.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Leevan Ali