K. Male'
29 Apr 2019 | Mon 16:56
PPM office
PPM office
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Progressive Party of Maldives
State to pay MVR 8.4m owed to PPM
PPM suffered huge losses in the last elections and is in debt

The state has decided to pay MVR 8.4 million owed to Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) after giving out salaries and Ramadan allowances to government employees.

In a letter sent to PPM, the Finance Ministry stated that the money was owed to PPM in 2018 and since it has not been included in this year’s cashflow forecast, PPM will receive the money after government employees are given their salaries and Ramadan allowances.

PPM, which suffered huge losses in the last presidential and parliamentary elections, is currently in debt. The now opposition party owes MVR 3.8 million to the national airline after chartering flights on credit to transport supporters to a mass rally held by party leader and then President Abdulla Yameen in 2018.

PPM has stated that it will only be able to pay back the amount after the state pays the MVR 8.4 million. The party’s official phone lines have also been disconnected for failing to pay the bills.

Elections Commission earlier withheld the money owed to PPM over legal issues regarding the party’s leadership. However, the Supreme Court later ruled to provide the party their money.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany