K. Male'
19 Feb 2017 | Sun 23:00
One of the few remaining photos of Mohamed Ibthihal --
One of the few remaining photos of Mohamed Ibthihal --
Mohamed Ibthihal's murder
Ibthihal died of strangulation, internal bleeding: Doctor
Afiya had confessed to abuse, murder of Ibthihal
Mother Afiya had no response to Doctor’s statement
Ibthihal died of strangulation

IGMH Dr. Ahmed Nihan had given his testimony in Court, attesting that Mohamed Ibthihal (three years old) had died from strangulation, sustained abuse to his body and internal bleeding localized on his stomach.

Dr. Ahmed Nishan on Sunday’s hearing, stated that the investigative reports and an external observation on Ibthihal post-mortem, showed that he had sustained severe abuses. Dr. Nishan said that localized internal bleeding occurs due to severe injuries, adding that the child had sustained injuries on his neck, chest, back and genital areas. He said one side of Ibthihal’s head was also severely swollen.

Presiding Judge Muhthaz Fahmy had given Ibthihal’s mother Afiya Mohamed Manik a chance to respond to the statement, which she refused to utilize.

Judge had questioned Afiya on her family. Afiya responded that her father was deceased but her mother was presently living in Male’. However, she said that she had no knowledge of exactly where her mother or siblings were.

In concluding the hearing, Judge said a hearing of the case will be heard soon.

Five civil servants have been charged with disobeying orders in connection to Ibthihal’s murder. The cases are currently ongoing in Criminal Court.

Afiya is also being tried in Criminal Court on two charges for the intentional death of a minor and for disobeying orders. Afiya had in previous hearings admitted to the abuse and murder of her son.

Ibthihal had died around noon on January 28, 2015.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz