K. Male'
14 Feb 2017 | Tue 19:53
A man donates blood at a charity blood drive
A man donates blood at a charity blood drive
Thalassemia in Maldives
Fuvahmulah supply of chelation tablets, dwindling
STO said deferasirox, a blood chelation tablet used to treat Thalassemia patients, has been dwindling in Fuvamulah atoll.
STO had worked to supply the tablets to patients in urgent need.

The supply of Deferasirox, a blood chelation tablet used to treat Thalassemia patients, has been dwindling in Fuvamulah atoll, the State Trading Organization (STO) said.

General Manager of STO’s public relations, Muslih Maseeh, said the organization has only been supplying the drug to Fuvahmulah for a month. The dwindling reserves were caused by a logistical issue that arose from only recently having entered the trade of the particular drug. 

Maseeh stated that such an issue will never be repeated, and that STO has been working to supply the tablets to patients in urgent need. He assured that the supply shortage would be resolved next week. 

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that can be fatal. Maldives has one of the highest known number of Thalassemia cases in the world, and a statistic from the Ministry of Health in 2016 said an estimated 60-70 children with the condition are born every year.  

Deferasirox, once ingested, binds itself to excess iron in the blood, which is then flushed out. The drug brand imported and distributed by STO in the Maldives is Asunra.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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