K. Male'
13 Feb 2017 | Mon 21:45
Parliament on Monday voted to accept the new evidence bill
Parliament on Monday voted to accept the new evidence bill
Evidence Act accepted for Parliament consideration
59 parliamentarians voted in favor of the bill
The bill was sent to the Committee on National Security for further review
Opposition MPs expressed concern over the integrity of the judges

Maldives Parliament, at Monday’s sitting, voted to accept the new Evidence bill for consideration.

59 MPs voted in favor of accepting the bill, with one member voting against and five abstentions.

Under the bill, proposed by ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP, Ali Shah, creates a framework on testifying, offering evidence and how it is accepted and processed, as well as procedure on handling witnesses.

It also notes the procedures that have to be followed, in cases where evidence is not required to reach a verdict and allows prosecutors to seek a court order to place a witness under protection, if required prior to their testimonies.

Guaranteed under Article 42 of the Constitution, the bill is essential in ensuring fair and transparent hearings for the Maldivian people.

Prior to the vote at Monday’s parliament hearing, members debated over the bill. While a number of parliamentarians spoke in favor of the bill, they noted that the bill “needs to be amended,” adding that they hoped that “acceptable changes are brought to the bill during the Committee stage.

The bill was sent to the Committee on National Security for further review.

All members who spoke at today’s parliament sitting noted that the bill is essential, opposition parliamentarians highlighted that the biggest concern “is the integrity of the judges in the various courts.”

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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