K. Male'
13 Feb 2017 | Mon 18:29
Umar Naseer at a conference during his tenure as Home Minister
Umar Naseer at a conference during his tenure as Home Minister
Azmoon Ahmed
Umar Naseer 2018 Elections
Umar Naseer says PPM primary vote unlikely
Umar Naseer had said he would contest the 2018 Presidential Elections on a PPM ticket.
He said he was now in talks to create a coalition.

Former Home Minister Umar Naseer, who has withdrawn his support for the government, has said on Sunday that the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)’s actions are indicative of democratic deterioration and the party would most likely not even hold a primary vote.

While Naseer has consistently stated he would contest the 2018 Presidential Elections, he previously intended to do so on a PPM ticket.

Naseer has been public about his aspirations for presidency since before the 2008 elections, and said he would contest through a coalition if PPM does not hold a primary vote. He added that he was now in talks with different political actors to originate this.

Last week, Naseer had flown to London in order to meet former Vice President Mohamed Jameel and other members of the MUO (Maldives United Opposition). The MUO is a joint opposition effort between MDP (Maldivian Democratic Party), AP (Adhaalath Party), JP (Jumhooree Party) and former senior members of government.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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