K. Male'
24 Dec 2018 | Mon 16:10
Expatriates gathered at the Republic Square in capital city Malé
Expatriates gathered at the Republic Square in capital city Malé
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Labour Relations Authority
Over 1,000 undocumented expats working at resort development site: LRA
There are about 1,400 undocumented workers at the site
Labour Relations Authority said that the case was filed to them

There are over 1,000 undocumented expatriate workers employed at a local site being developed into a resort, the Labour Relations Authority has said.

Ali Shareef, the information officer at the authority, said that they are investigating the matter and will identify the employer once said investigation concludes.

Labour Relations Authority said that the case was filed to them, and that while 2,447 expatriates are employed there, about 1,400 of them are undocumented.

They said that they have contacted the employee who cooperated with the investigation and that steps to stop and discourage such employment will be taken.

Some of these ‘steps’ could include fines and blacklisting. The authority has found several companies that employ undocumented workers.

While an official count is yet to be made, the estimated number of undocumented workers exceed 100,000.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali