K. Male'
10 Feb 2017 | Fri 17:11
Progressive Party of Maldives PPM Office
Progressive Party of Maldives PPM Office
Mohamed Sharuhaan
PPM Campaign Bid
PPM expedites efforts to boost member count
Ministers and prominent figures in local business are reportedly active in these efforts.
Sources report promises of rewards for expediting the campaign.
PPM said it intends to increase member count to 150,000 for the elections.

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has announced that it intends to increase member count to 150,000 for the elections, offering hefty awards to hasten the process.

Nilandhoo MP Abdulla Khaleel, also secretary general to the PPM-faction loyal to President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, said that the party would contest the elections with staggering support.

A source from within the party said individuals that submit greater scores of forms would be gifted a trip to Bangkok, with the most submissions earning an accommodation-inclusive three-day stay. Individuals that submit at least three hundred memberships would get a reward of MVR 7,500 (almost USD 500).

Ministers and prominent figures in local business are reportedly active in these efforts.

While reports of civil employees being forced to sign have already surfaced on social networking websites, more sources claim that they were promised promotions if they secure 1,000 memberships.

A candidate on the PPM ticket would face near-nil opposition, given that leaders of major political parties have been effectively barred from contesting.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who ruled the Maldives for 30 years, had also withdrawn his support for Yameen.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed