K. Male'
16 Nov 2018 | Fri 18:26
Imran Abdulla speaks at a protest
Imran Abdulla speaks at a protest
Sheikh Imran Abdulla
Adhaalath Party to increase membership to 10,000
He accepted the registration applications of 1,500 new members  at Thursday night’s ceremony
He said that their immediate plan is to gain 10,000 members before approving their budget
Imran Abdulla said that the party is open to everyone

Adhaalath Party has begun a campaign to increase their membership to 10,000.

At a meeting on Thursday night, leader Imran Abdulla said that, while the party has faced numerous obstacles, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s election win is a huge opportunity for them.

Imran Abdulla said that the party is open to everyone, especially for capable men, women, and young people, and that the party has made plans around their future work.

He said that more effort is needed to reform the country and that the party’s top priority is to establish a better future for the next generation.

He also said that their immediate plan is to gain 10,000 members before approving their budget.

Imran Abdulla accepted the registration applications of 1,500 new members at Thursday night’s ceremony.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed