K. Male'
05 Feb 2017 | Sun 17:42
Cabinet in session: President Yameen is rumored to shuffle his Cabinet again
Cabinet in session: President Yameen is rumored to shuffle his Cabinet again
Pres. Yameen's Cabinet
President to make changes to cabinet: reports
Multiple changes to cabinet over the years
Housing, Home, Health Ministers rumored to be changed
No word from President regarding changes

President’s Office has stated that any changes to the Cabinet will be announced by the Parliament.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali made the statement in connection to the rumors that the President will make some changes to his Cabinet. Muaz said that any changes will be made public by the Office, adding that the President reserves the right to change his cabinet.

The Constitution states that the President has the right to choose a Cabinet of his choosing to manage the affairs of the nation and to dismiss or accept their resignations.

As per the rumors, reported to RaajjeTV, changes will be brought to the Ministerial positions at Home Ministry, Housing Ministry and Health Ministry. It has been rumored that former Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed is to be installed as Home Minister, while some other Ministers will be shifted to different Ministries. Some Ministers will start their tenures at Ministers at the President’s Office.

However, President’s Office said that as a general rule, the Office does not comment on rumors.

At the time when former Vice President was dismissed from his position, President Yameen had criticized senior officials at Maldives Police Service for alleged corruption. He’s presently serving as a State Minister at Housing Ministry.

President Yameen had brought in multiple changes to his Cabinet in the course of the three years he had served as President, including two changes to the post of Vice President.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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