K. Male'
15 Oct 2018 | Mon 11:10
Incumbent President Abdulla Yameen, who was voted out in September\'s polls, stands along side King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Incumbent President Abdulla Yameen, who was voted out in September's polls, stands along side King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Maldives - Saudi Arabia
Maldives declares support for Saudi Arabia's rejection of Trump threats
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on Monday which 'reaffirms solidarity with the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'
The minsitry further said that it believes in Saudi Arabia's commitment to rule of law and international conventions
Saudi Arabia has said that if it 'receives any action, it will respond with greater action'
United States President Donald Trump said he would ensure 'severe punishment' if the Saudi government had ordered Kashoggi's assassination

The Maldivian government has declared support for Saudi Arabia's rejection of 'threats to undermine' the kingdom, claiming that the Saudis have been key to maintaining stability in West Asia. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on Monday which 'reaffirms solidarity with the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'. 

"The Government of Maldives strongly rejects any attempts to undermine the sovereignty of any country, whether by threatening to impose sanctions or by putting political pressure towards reaching a political objective", the statement says. 

The current administration, which was defeated in September's presidential polls and is to be leave office in November, further said that it believes in Saudi Arabia's commitment to rule of law and international conventions. 

"The Government of Maldives further commends the constructive role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in bringing harmony, peace and security to the entire region", the statement further reads. 

In a statement on Sunday, the Saudi foreign ministry declared that the allegations against the kingdom, regarding the disappearance of writer Jamal Jashoggi, are false. The statement also says that if Saudi Arabia 'receives any action, it will respond with greater action'.

United States President Donald Trump said in an interview with CNN that his adminsitration would ensure 'severe punishment' if the Saudi government had ordered Kashoggi's assassination, as several allegations and intelligence reports claim. 

"As of this moment, they deny it, and they deny it vehemently. Could it be them? Yes,", Trump said. 

Khashoggi went into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd to obtain paperwork to marry his Turkish fiancée. He hasn't been seen since.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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