K. Male'
09 Oct 2018 | Tue 10:23
MP Abdulla Riyaz
MP Abdulla Riyaz
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Abdulla Riyaz
Only competent people will be given positions in new government: Riyaz
Riyaz said that all officials of the new government will be ‘professional, have integrity, and competent’
Riyaz said that lawmakers aligned against incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and his administration will soon submit a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh

President-elect Ibrahim Solih will only appoint credible and capable people to key positions, says MP Abdulla Riyaz, refuting claims that whoever forwarded by the Joint Opposition will be accepted.

Riyaz, the parliamentary representative for the Kimbidhoo constituency and deputy chair of the opposition coalition’s ‘18/19’ committee, said that all officials of the new government will be ‘professional, have integrity, and competent’.

“I do not believe president-elect Solih will appoint just anyone that the coalition puts forward. I believe the new government will only appoint those they deem to be competent, professional, and have integrity”, Riyaz said.

Further, Riyaz said that lawmakers aligned against incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and his administration will soon submit a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

Riyaz said that the Supreme Court reinstating four of 12 lawmakers previously said to be dismissed is a definite ‘win’ for the coalition, and that the remaining eight members will ‘hopefully’ soon be reinstated as well.

Riyaz called on parliament speaker Maseeh to immedietely resign from his position, adding that president-elect Solih wishes the same. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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