K. Male'
03 Oct 2018 | Wed 16:54
President Yameen\'s protests have been receiving a low turnout
President Yameen's protests have been receiving a low turnout
Hussain Hassaan
Progressive Party of Maldives
PPM refuses to accept Solih as president-elect
Muaz failed to directly answer why the government is unwilling to play a large role in investigating PPM's claim that the election was rigged
When asked about the low turnout at their protest, Muaz said they were the only ones willing to show their faces
The resolution was put forth by Ibrahim Muaz Ali, the spokesperson at the President’s Office

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has passed a resolution declaring that Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is not the real president-elect.

The resolution was put forth by Ibrahim Muaz Ali, the spokesperson at the President’s Office, and was passed at a small protest held at the PPM office on Tuesday night.

When Muaz was asked why such a resolution was passed by a small number of PPM members, Muaz told RaajjeMV that they were the only people who were willing to show their faces to the media to speak out for their rights.

Muaz said that he put forth the resolution as an ordinary member and not as the spokesperson at the President’s Office.

After President Abdulla Yameen’s defeat in the election, the ruling party members have begun holding protests and claiming that the election was rigged.

When asked why the government was not playing a larger role in investigating the claim, Muaz’s only reply was that the ruling party is willing to investigate any such complaints filed by the citizens.

After opposition candidate Solih’s landslide win, President Yameen called on all his supporters to come out and protest the election result. However, the low turnout confirms just how little support the President has, opposition members have said.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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