K. Male'
28 Sep 2018 | Fri 16:29
President\'s Office
President's Office
Azmoon Ahmed
Destruction of State Documents
Auditor General reminds authorities to protect state documents
AG’s office states that these documents will be needed in case of an audit
It also asked that employees complete the proper procedures and seek permission from their seniors before destroying any documents
AG’s office warned it would take action against employees that do not act according to proper procedure when protecting state documents

The Auditor General (AG)’s office has reminded state employees to protect state documents.

A circular released by the AG’s office states that these documents will be needed in case of an audit.

It also asked that employees complete the proper procedures and seek permission from their seniors before destroying any documents.

AG’s office warned it would take action against employees that do not act according to proper procedure when protecting state documents, as it would obstruct the AG’s work.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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