K. Male'
12 Sep 2018 | Wed 09:17
The crocodile was killed in an attempt to invoke black magic, alleges ex-VP Adeeb
The crocodile was killed in an attempt to invoke black magic, alleges ex-VP Adeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-VP Adeeb - President Yameen
MP Mahloof blasts minister for remaining silent over crocodile killing
"The officer who had shot the crocodile has 12 days to give details on the incident"
MP Mahloof in a tweet on Tuesday said the crocodile was killed by the military’s special forces in the pouring rain
Adeeb said that the crocodile was killed in an attempt to use black magic and buried near the Uthuru Thila falhu mosque

South-Galolhu MP Ahmed Mahloof has said that he had requested the parliament to investigate the killing of the crocodile at the children’s park but that the defense minister had refused to cooperate.

In a recent press statement, former vice president Ahmed Adeeb said that the crocodile was killed in an attempt to use black magic and buried near the Uthuru Thila falhu mosque, which is under the military’s jurisdiction.

Regarding the statement, MP Mahloof in a tweet on Tuesday said the crocodile was killed by the military’s special forces in the pouring rain and that the officer who had shot the crocodile has 12 days to give details on the incident, implying that all the allegations against President Abdulla Yameen would be revealed after the presidential election on September 23.

Adeeb, in the press statement on Tuesday, claimed that President Yameen had his palms read during the 2013 presidential elections and that he was given a to-do list by black magic practitioners to keep him in power, which included killing the crocodile. Adeeb said that the crocodile was given poison and, after it failed to die, it was tied and carried away to be killed by the military.

Adeeb said President Yameen was also told to kill chickens in Aarah island, remove the buildings near Sultan Park, take down the walls of the Islamic Center, remove the Kalhu Vakaru Mosque and dig under it and start a fire to dispel supposed black magic in the area.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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