K. Male'
30 Jan 2017 | Mon 19:10
Teachers are to be "identifiable" when going to school
Teachers are to be "identifiable" when going to school
Education Ministry
Full-face veils prohibited at government schools: Education Ministry
Teachers must also follow Civil Service regulations
Ministry order teacher from AA. Mathiveri School to be "identifiable" when attending classes

Teachers are not allowed to wear full-face veils (niqab) in any government schools, says the Ministry of Education.

According to the Ministry, doing so will be against Civil Service regulations.

Speaking to RaajjeMV on Monday, state minister at the Education Ministry, Ahmed Shafeeu informed that teachers dress code is under the Maldives’ Civil Service regulation.

He added that, under the regulation, teachers are prohibited from wearing the niqab to school.

The issue arose after the Ministry received reports that a teacher from AA. Mathiveri School, Aishath Suzy, had been attending classes in full-face veils.

The Ministry ordered her to make sure she is "identifiable" when attending school, adding that she is not allowed to teach at the school, unless she follows the dress code under the Civil Service regulation.

Noting that they do not have any teachers wearing the niqab in any of the government schools, Shafeeu said that all government schools throughout the country “has the same policy on the matter.”

Teachers are also civil servants, and must follow civil service regulations,” said Shafeeu.

He added that the issue regarding the teacher in Mathiveri “is a first of its kind.

Previously, there was a case where a student at Mauhadhu School started wearing the niqab to school. The matter was later settled in Court.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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