K. Male'
06 Sep 2018 | Thu 13:50
The memo also asks that educators employed by the university not go to political events
The memo also asks that educators employed by the university not go to political events
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maldives National University
National university releases memo asking political non-partisanship of employees
The memo states that employees must maintain the integrity of professional education
The memo also asks that educators employed by the university not go to political events
Acts that violate this advisory are speaking at political rallies, leading political events, and posting political expression on social networks

The Maldives National University has released an internal memo asking that its employees refrain from any form of political partisanship.

The memo states that employees must maintain the integrity of professional education and refrain from filling any official positions at a political party.

The memo also asks that educators employed by the university not go to political events or express their political leanings in public gatherings.

Acts that violate this advisory are speaking at political rallies, leading political events, and posting political expression on social networks.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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