K. Male'
29 Jan 2017 | Sun 22:33
Member of Parliament for Thimarafushi Constituency Musthafa
Member of Parliament for Thimarafushi Constituency Musthafa
MP Musthafa on accountability
MPs exempt from blame, all falls on public: MP Musthafa
Issue stems from public
Criticized public for selling votes on election day

Member of Parliament for Thimarafushi Constituency Musthafa has stated that the public must accept blame for the current situation, for having failed to bring in accountability to the Parliament.

Speaking to RaajjeTV, MP Musthafa said the public had constantly and consistently voted in MPs who have a poor record of public accountability. He said the public was glad to vilify a candidate on the eve of the vote, but will vote for the said candidate the next day. The Parliamentarian said that this had become a norm over the years.

He said the deterioration of the nation is directly linked to the public selling off their votes to the highest bidder. Therefore, MP Musthafa said that it was no surprise that the elected officials emulated their constituents.

He questioned the public for failing to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions.

The Parliamentarian added that the public must first become accountable before calling on elected officials to become accountable. MP Musthafa said that corruption and graft had become mainstream, along with public complacency over such matters.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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