K. Male'
29 Jan 2017 | Sun 22:28
Adhaalath Party --
Adhaalath Party --
State vs Nazim
Adhaalath calls for Nazim’s release
Government running out of excuses: AP

Adhaalath Party has called on the Government to implement the ruling issued on former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

A statement released by the Party calls on the Government and relevant state bodies to abide by the Group’s decision on the former Minister and to restore the rights Nazim had been deprived of during this period.

The statement corroborated the Group’s verdict, stating that the Government was running out of excuses in face of statements and rulings issued against the Government by international groups and associations.

Adhaalath added that injustices perpetrated by abusing the Constitution and the laws of the nation have increased exponentially over the years, forcing the citizens to fight for their rights. This, the Party said only serves to defame the nation in the global field and is a mark of shame for the Government. Adhaalath also said actions like this can only contribute to an environment of isolation, negatively impacting development and economy. Those who perpetrate these actions must accept responsibility for the negative effects, the statement said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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