K. Male'
28 Jan 2017 | Sat 23:19
	Maumoon Abdul gayoom
Maumoon Abdul gayoom
UNWGAD decision on Nazim
Maumoon calls to free Nazim
Government has to abide by UN decision

PPM President and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has called on the Government to release former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim, after UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention had decreed that Nazim was framed.

Referring to the UNWGAD report the statement said that Nazim must be released immediately. UNWGAD said that Nazim and other political figures had similar cases and that legal procedures were not applied to their individual cases. The Group noted that Nazim’s case was especially devoid of international practices.

The Group had ordered the immediate release of the former Defense, adding that the state must compensate Nazim for the time he had spent in jail.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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