K. Male'
28 Jan 2017 | Sat 21:45
Shidhatha Shareef --
Shidhatha Shareef --
Azmoon Ahmed
AP on Shidhatha's passport
Passport seized to intimidate Shidhatha: Adhaalath
Return Shidhatha’s passport immediately: Adhaalath
Condemned the poor act by the Government
Adhaalath says move was an act of desperation

Adhaalath Party has stated the Government seized Shidhatha Shareef’s passport to coerce her to stop her work in the Party and condemned the act. Shidhatha Shareef is chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Party.

A statement released Saturday said Shidhatha’s passport was seized without any reason, without a court order or any such legal document. The Party’s statement said this act was reflective of the approach taken by President Abdullah Yameen’s Government to circumvent the Constitution and laws in this manner to arbitrarily arrest and negatively influence individuals.

The Party said by seizing Shidhatha’s passport, the Government had sought out to hamper the efforts taken by the Party to foster and develop better ties with the international community. Adhaalath described this as an extreme move by the Government. The Party added that they had always placed importance on bringing forth women into the political field and national development. Adhaalath Party further stated that this was an attempt by the Government to hamper this aim.

Furthermore, the statement said Shidhatha has been a tireless advocate of justice and individuals jailed arbitrarily, calling out against corruption and injustice. Therefore, Adhaalath said the Govenrment’s actions served only one purpose – to intimidate and silence.

 In conclusion, the statement said that while the Constitution grants freedom of movement Shidhatha was deprived of this right and subject to Government led persecution. Adhaalath Party added that there was no legal basis for such acts, were clearly politically motivated to silence opposition, at a time when the Government was losing support.

Shidhatha serves as the Gender Minister in Maldives United Opposition’s shadow cabinet. Her passport was seized last Thursday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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