K. Male'
22 Aug 2018 | Wed 16:30
Ex-Resident Maumoon
Ex-Resident Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-President Nasheed
Maldivians cannot accept ex-President Maumoon’s continued imprisonment: ex-President Nasheed
In his tweet, Nasheed calls on Maldivians to stand against despotism
Former President Maumoon’s family have said that his health has declined

Maldivians cannot accept the state in which former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is being kept in detention, his successor Mohamed Nasheed has said.

Former President Nasheed, in a tweet on Wednesday, described incumbent President Abdulla Yameen as practicing a level of despotism never seen before in Maldivian political history.

In his tweet, Nasheed calls on Maldivians to stand against said despotism and to support the Joint Opposition presidential candidate, MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

Former President Maumoon’s family have said that his health has declined, as he continues to be imprisoned on charges described as trumped up.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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