K. Male'
20 Aug 2018 | Mon 00:01
Opposition parties rally in the capital
Opposition parties rally in the capital
Joint Opposition
Political system inclusive to many parties is important for development: Nasheed
The opposition leader said this in a tweet on the 13-year anniversary of Adhaalath Party
Joint Opposition candidate Solih also congratulated AP on Twitter and thanked the party for its efforts
MP Mahloof highlighted the party and its jailed leader Imran Abdulla have made by forming the coalition and opposing tyranny

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that it was important to have a political system inclusive to many parties.

The opposition leader said this in a tweet on the 13-year anniversary of Adhaalath Party (AP).

In the tweet on Sunday, Nasheed said that a political system inclusive to many parties is the most important for the foundation and the development of a country.

He also congratulated the members of AP.

Joint Opposition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih also congratulated AP on Twitter and thanked the party for its efforts.

Also on Twitter, South-Galolhu MP Ahmed Mahloof highlighted the party and its jailed leader Imran Abdulla have made by forming the coalition and opposing tyranny.

AP was registered on 18 August 2005 and has since joined various coalitions and is noted for bringing important changes to election results.

The religiously conservative party aims to strengthen Islamic principles in Maldives and promote social services.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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