K. Male'
17 Aug 2018 | Fri 16:57
Dr. Shaheem with pro-government supporters at the GDh. Thinadhoo mosque
Dr. Shaheem with pro-government supporters at the GDh. Thinadhoo mosque
Social Media
Running Mate Dr Shaheem
Dr. Shaheem’s mixed campaign event at mosque was an attack on Islam: Dr. Iyaz
Dr. Iyaz said that the event was “an attack on Islam”
Photos circulating on social media show Dr. Shaheem sitting near the mosque’s entrance with men and women wearing campaign T-shirts
The Political Party Act prohibits parties from holding political activities at mosques

Islamic scholar Dr. Mohamed Iyaz has condemned Dr. Mohamed Shaheem, the President’s running mate, for holding a mixed campaign event at the GDh. Thinadhoo mosque.

In a tweet on Thursday night, Dr. Iyaz said that the event was “an attack on Islam”.

Photos circulating on social media show Dr. Shaheem sitting near the mosque’s entrance with young men and women wearing President Abdulla Yameen’s campaign T-shirts.

South-Galolhu MP Ahmed Mahloof in a tweet highlighted the hypocrisy of Dr. Shaheem of holding a mixed gathering at the mosque while also advocating for strengthening Islamic principles in the country.

MP Mahloof and others have also been criticizing pro-government Islamic scholars for remaining silent over the issue.

The Political Party Act prohibits parties from holding political activities at mosques.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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