K. Male'
06 Aug 2018 | Mon 21:35
Authorities attempted to return the equipment before completing the reclamation work
Authorities attempted to return the equipment before completing the reclamation work
Inguraidhoo residents stop authorities from taking away reclamation equipment
A resident told RaajjeMV that reclamation work in the island is still not complete
The residents demanded authorities to complete reclamation before returning the equipment
Some residents have said that the reclamation work has been ongoing since 2015

Inguraidhoo residents have stopped authorities from taking away the equipment being used for land reclamation.

A resident told RaajjeMV that reclamation work in the island is still not complete.

The equipment being used for the project is from MTCC.

RaajjeMV understands that residents, young and old, gathered at the harbor on Monday afternoon and used megaphones to demand authorities to finish reclamation before returning the equipment.

Some residents have said that the reclamation work has been ongoing since 2015 and that while a large portion has been reclaimed, the authorities have not declared an end date.

Some in the island told RaajjeMV that they were not told where the equipment was being taken and that the council was not informed of anything.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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