K. Male'
30 Jul 2018 | Mon 12:28
Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
Adhaalath Party
2018 Presidential Elections
Prominent religious scholar officially endorses Solih as presidential candidate
Sheikh Ilyas revealed his decision via twitter on Monday morning
He highlighted that both Solih and Naseem 'love Islam and give priority to the people's interests'
The presidential elections are slated for September 23

Prominent religious scholar Sheikh Ilyas Hussain has endorsed opposition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and running mate Faisal Naseem for the upcoming ballots.

He revealed his decision via twitter on Monday morning, highlighting their 'love for Islam'.

"Both of them love Islam and give priority to the people's interests. Have not seen any signs of arrogance or stubbornness in then", translates his tweet.

Sheikh Ilyas welcomed the opposition's candidate and running mate earlier in July, urging them to serve the country in their term staunchly with sincerity.

In addition to Ilyas, all four opposition leaders – former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed, Qasim Ibrahim and Imran Abdulla – have officially endorsed the opposition presidential pair.

Their candidacies have been accepted by the Elections Commission as well.

The presidential elections are slated for September 23.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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