K. Male'
30 Jul 2018 | Mon 08:33
Opposition coalition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in Kendhoo
Opposition coalition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in Kendhoo
2018 Presidential Campaign
Solih’s pledge: pensions for fishermen and farmers
Solih said that President Abdulla Yameen’s government has failed to even provide the allowance he had pledged to fishermen and farmers
In order to strengthen the rights of workers, Solih vowed to establish a platform on which employers and employees can discuss their problems
He said the government had built a subpar water supply system in Kendhoo but that his administration will solve that issue

Opposition coalition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to provide pensions for farmers and fishermen.

In his campaign trip to B. Kendhoo on Sunday, Solih noted that an opposition coalition government will provide pensions to farmers and fishermen, adding that incumbent President Abdulla Yameen’s government has failed to even provide the allowance he had pledged to them.

Also in order to strengthen the rights of workers, Solih vowed to establish a platform on which employers and employees can discuss relevant issues.

Speaking in Kendhoo, Solih said that an underdeveloped water and sewerage system is an issue in the island. He said the government had built a subpar water supply system but that his administration will solve that issue.

After Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain noted that the local women find it difficult to get the raw materials needed for thatch weaving, Solih said that as part of their council empowerment plan his government will give the island councils control over their islands and the surrounding uninhabited ones.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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