K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 08:41
The manifesto is set to three principles; religious unity, good governance, and economic and social sufficiency
The manifesto is set to three principles; religious unity, good governance, and economic and social sufficiency
Adhaalath Party
Adhaalath Party
Adhaalath Party proposes 36-policy manifesto
The manifesto is set to three principles; religious unity, good governance, and economic and social sufficiency
The party’s manifesto includes 12 policies on religious unity and nine on good governance

The religiously conservative Adhaalath Party has proposed a 36-policy manifesto to its fellow partners in the Joint Opposition.

The manifesto is set to three principles; religious unity, good governance, and economic and social sufficiency. Ali Nazeer, chair of the party’s media committee, told journalists that the manifesto aims to ensure that Maldivians prosper, ‘on earth and in the hereafter’.

Makunudhoo MP Anara Naeem, the party’s only parliamentarian, said that the manifesto includes proposing bills to form laws on zakat and waqf, and the state-run funds for them.

MP Anara also said that the manifesto proposes making the Fiqh Academy, which is currently part of the government, an independent institution.

The party’s manifesto includes 12 policies on religious unity and nine on good governance. Under sufficiency, the party most strikingly proposes extended the period over which maternal allowances are paid to new mothers, to a period of two years.

The party’s manifesto was proposed to the Maldivian Democratic Party, which put forth a presidential candidate, the Jumhooree Party, and one faction of the Progressive Party of Maldives. The Joint Opposition’s ‘18/19’ committee will review the manifesto and synergize it with the allied parties’ joint manifesto.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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