K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 08:11
The Elections Commission has reportedly rejected three applications to form new parties, thus far this year
The Elections Commission has reportedly rejected three applications to form new parties, thus far this year
Elections Commission
Elections Commission rejects prominent lawyer's proposition to form new party
The commission announced this in a post on their official Twitter account
EC said they have asked the applicants to reconsider their party name
The Elections Commission has reportedly rejected three applications to form new parties, thus far this year

The Elections Commission has announced that it has rejected the application form a new party in the Maldives under the name, ‘Maldives Labour and Social Justice Party’.

The commission announced this in a post on their official Twitter account, although no details of the matter were initially given.

When inquired as to why the application was rejected, commission member Ahmed Akram told RaajjeMV that they will ‘just not authorize it under that name’.

Akram said that the commission has asked the applicants to reconsider their party name and apply again.

The application was filed by Abdulla Haseen, a local lawyer who became prominent for representing high-profile members of the Joint Opposition, a coalition of parties working for ‘democratic reform’.

Haseen, a member of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, said that his decision is not a snub to any party. Haseen had left the party last week.

The Elections Commission has reportedly rejected three applications to form new parties, thus far this year.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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