K. Male'
21 Jul 2018 | Sat 10:10
MEP Nicolas Bay
MEP Nicolas Bay
Maldives - European Parliament
Ousting President Yameen ‘only way out’ for Maldivians: MEP
Bay warned other MEPs to not ignore the allegations of corruption, patronage and authoritarianism levied against President Yameen
MEP said it is unimaginable that Yameen would allow a political newcomer to defeat him in the elections, even if that means tampering with elections
“Not only has Yameen outmaneuvered the opposition, he has also hoodwinked the international community"

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Nicolas Bay has said that ousting President Abdulla Yameen is ‘the only way out’ for Maldivians.

In an article published on EP Today, Bay warned other European parliament members that if they ignore the allegations of corruption, patronage and authoritarianism levied against President Yameen, his disregard for the rule of law and the judiciary poses a serious threat to the stability of Maldivian democracy.

In his article, Bay noted that the government has used Maldives’ terrorism laws to arrest and convict President Yameen’s political opponents.

“The list of those incarcerated includes his brother and nephew; other prominent politicians have been forced into exile under the threat of violence and arbitrary arrest. Now, laws have been hastily amended to ensure those seeking asylum from Yameen’s tyranny, like Former President Mohamed Nasheed and JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim, cannot be nominated in federal elections for 10 years. Local leaders with the courage to question Yameen’s actions are facing jail sentences in excess of 20 years.”

Noting that the opposition parties have come together to back a single opposition candidate for September’s presidential election, the MEP said that “judging by his efforts to eliminate the opposition, it is unimaginable that Yameen would allow a political newcomer to defeat him in the elections, even if that means tampering with elections.”

“Not only has Yameen outmaneuvered the opposition, he has also hoodwinked the international community. By orchestrating farcical elections that give the appearance of opposition participation, Yameen has attempted to legitimize his failing democracy.”

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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