K. Male'
20 Jul 2018 | Fri 18:23
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb (l) and President Abdulla Yameen
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb (l) and President Abdulla Yameen
Presidents Office
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
Government had agreed to release jailed politicians: Ex-VP Adeeb
Adeeb noted that he was the representative of President Abdulla Yameen during the 2015 negotiations
Adeeb said that the opposition had fulfilled all the requests made by the government but that President Yameen had refused to fulfill the government’s part of the agreement
Adeeb said that President Yameen told him that he meant to keep the politicians imprisoned “until their deaths”

During the government’s negotiations with the opposition in 2015, the government had agreed to release former President Mohamed Nasheed, Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla, and former defense minister Col. Mohamed Nazim, says jailed former vice president Ahmed Adeeb.

He said this in a press release published through his lawyers to mark the 1,000th day of his imprisonment.

In the press release, Adeeb noted that he was the representative of President Abdulla Yameen during the 2015 negotiations, in which the government had agreed to release the political leaders if the opposition fulfill their part of the deal.

Adeeb said that the opposition had fulfilled all the requests made by the government but that President Yameen had refused to fulfill the government’s part of the agreement. Upon his refusal, Adeeb said he told the President that the government would be unable to bring in major investments to the country or fulfill the development of the Ihavandhippolhu atoll (ihavan) if he were to ‘lie’ and keep the politicians in jail. Adeeb said that President Yameen became angry after he said this and replied that he meant to keep the politicians imprisoned “until their deaths.”

In the press release, Adeeb sad that their disagreement lead to him being framed and jailed “like other politicians” over the blast in the presidential speedboat. Adeeb said that he was convicted over serious charges after joining the opposition coalition and that during his time imprisoned, he has not been receiving the rights given to detainees.

Also, in the press release, his lawyers called on authorities to abide by the Supreme Court ruling on February 1 and provide him with adequate medical treatment.

The lawyers also called on authorities provide him with meetings with his family and legal team.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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