K. Male'
06 Jul 2018 | Fri 17:30
MDP\'s presidential candidate Solih speaking with his campaign team
MDP's presidential candidate Solih speaking with his campaign team
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Presidential Candidate Solih
Presidential candidate Solih meets more of his campaign team
Solih has been meeting with MDP’s campaign teams from across the country every day since winning candidacy
MDP’s senior officials were with Solih during the meetings at the party office
The Joint Opposition has agreed to field an MDP member as their presidential candidate and a JP member as the running mate

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih met more of his campaign teams on Thursday.

Solih has been meeting with MDP’s campaign teams from across the country every day since winning candidacy.

The Hinnavaru MP began Thursday by holding a meeting with the campaign coordinators. Afterwards, he met with the Addu City team to discuss their strategy.

He then met with the team from Keyodhoo to hear their thoughts on the campaign.

Solih also met with the social media team to discuss how they would share MDP’s manifesto through online platforms.

The campaign team from Sh. Kanditheemu also met with Solih to discuss their plans for the campaign. MDP’s senior officials were with Solih during the meetings at the party office.

The Joint Opposition parties have agreed to field an MDP member as their common presidential candidate and a Jumhooree Party member as their running mate. The opposition’s campaign for September’s election has been suspended temporarily since JP is still to announce a running mate. The party has said it will make the announcement on July 10.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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